• Executive search refers to the process of recruiting and hiring senior-level candidates for top positions within organizations.

    Executive search firms such as Who Group Executive play a crucial role in helping organizations find top talent for senior positions. They provide expertise, industry knowledge, and a wide network of contacts to identify and attract the best candidates for their clients.

  • Executive search differs from traditional recruitment primarily in its focus and approach. While traditional recruitment often involves posting job openings and reviewing applications, executive search is a proactive process aimed at identifying and attracting top-tier candidates who may not be actively seeking new opportunities. Executive search firms, like ours in Melbourne, use their extensive networks and industry expertise to target and engage with highly qualified individuals, ensuring a more tailored and strategic approach to hiring for senior-level positions.

  • Our Melbourne based executive search firm specialises in a wide range of industries, including Human Resources, Legal, Finance, Sales and Marketing, Risk & Compliance, Executive Support, Technical & Operations, and Program/Project Management. Our expertise in these industries allows us to provide tailored recruitment solutions that meet the unique needs of each sector.

  • Ensuring confidentiality is a top priority during the executive search process. Our Melbourne-based executive search firm employs strict confidentiality protocols, including non-disclosure agreements with both clients and candidates. We also use discreet communication channels and handle sensitive information with the utmost care. Our commitment to confidentiality allows us to conduct searches discreetly, protecting the privacy of both our clients and candidates.

  • Our process for identifying and approaching potential candidates for executive roles in Australia is strategic and comprehensive. We start by conducting thorough research to understand the client's needs, the industry, and the market landscape. Next, we leverage our extensive network and industry connections to identify potential candidates who meet the criteria. We approach these candidates discreetly, presenting the opportunity in a compelling and personalised manner. Our goal is to engage top-tier talent and facilitate a smooth and efficient recruitment process for our clients.